Friday, February 2, 2007

Welcome - and audition notice

This is the new blog for South London Theatre's June 2007 production of Volpone by Ben Jonson.

In due course, production details will be added to these posts, together with rehearsal dates and any other information as required. For the time being, you can find web versions of the audition pieces in the previous five posts on this blog (click on the number to open the relevant audition piece: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5). Detailed character descriptions can be found on the SLT Volpone webpage.

Auditions will be held on the following dates at South London Theatre
  • Sunday 11th February, 6pm (Rehearsal Room)
  • Monday 12th February, 8pm (Bell)
  • Tuesday 13th February, 8pm (Bell)

For further information - or if you would like me to email you copies of the audition pieces in MS Word format, click here. A really detailed breakdown of the characters and scene-by-scene summary of the plot is available (free) from the Spark Notes Volpone page; and a number of sites also provide the full, unedited text, eg Project Gutenberg. Please note, however, that this production of the play will involve substantial cuts to the original text.

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